"The Harry Dean Stanton of hockey blogs." -J.T. Walsh

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


That was a really, really good game. Too bad the Devils lost.

Both teams had very few quality scoring chances, and Rupp and Holik were there with some huge hits. I do wonder what will become of Rolston. He's improving, so where does he end up line-wise? Whatever, the game really just came down to that one goal Clemmenson gave up early in the third. With all the (deserved) talk of it feeling like a playoff game, it's interesting to think of how it could've gone with Marty in net. (considers) AH, there we go...warm tummy fuzzies.

Savard's no joke.

There were a ton of Bruins fans, and almost all were pretty awesome. Many folks drove down for the game, a lot of positive comments about the arena, which is always nice. One crew I saw had a bunch of Cam Neely shirts on, I thought that was neat. NEAT!

I was scolded at the game for doing wrestling impersonations with some drunk fans, because we weren't "paying attention to the game". This assertion was false and not at all in the spirit of Christmas.

NJ Devil did NOT do a rail slide, and Boston scored immediately after. Stupid fucking mascot.

My friend and I actually sat in our assigned seats for the first time this season, at least until we were lured by the siren's call of our usual motley section 209. It felt very odd, yet comforting, like a summer home where one goes to relax and possibly quilt. I should learn to quilt just to do so at a hockey game.


3 Rudy Red beers
several shots of Jim Bean

1 Miller Lite
2 Bass Ales

several more shots of Jim Bean
1 Guinness
1 shot Jager
1 shot Jameson

Mike Motteau still played. Very upsetting.


  1. I think you mean Jim Beam. I would say "Unless Jim Bean is the cheap version..." but Beam already is the cheap version.

  2. You'd think spell check would pick up on that, right?

  3. did i pay for that guinness?
    because that would explain where my $15 went.

  4. I don't think so. I'm pretty sure that was Jeff.

