"The Harry Dean Stanton of hockey blogs." -J.T. Walsh

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Love You, Frank.

I haven't posted in forever because I'm incredibly lazy. I don't remember beer totals from the last post - just know it was MANY.

Random Devils highlights from the past month:

-Discovering how to sneak in booze to the Rock with regularity and confidence.
-Mixing said booze (Captain Morgan) with Boylan's root beer to make DELICIOUS for less than the cost of two game beers.
-Anything involving Saint Patrick's Day 2009. Watching history with a packed house of red jerseys was one of the best nights of my life, and a real highlight in a year of really shitty nights for me, on a personal level.
-Joining a singalong of "It's a Small World After All" and other Mickey Mouse jams with several thousand people who enjoy fucking with Wayne Gretzky.
-Spotting an emo kid with a headband in the crowd who didn't wait for a stoppage to leave our section. "Emo McEnroe" needs to be a fixture in my vernacular for as long as possible.
-The episode of Voices with Doc Emerick. Good stuff.

-Breaking Gina's shoe.
-Days when I'm not at hockey games.

This losing streak sucks ass, but I really think they can come out of it, and learn from last year. The team is much better equipped to deal with a snag like this. If not, it's hello, Mets, in more ways than one...

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